
Lee is a passionate advocate for education and environmental issues. Lee supports two exceptional charities which embody her passions.


The LEAP Science and Maths School is a leading learning organisation created to give young South Africans the academic Leapand life skills they need to become future leaders. LEAP schools have high expectations of South Africa’s youth and aim to transform our deeply divided communities, one graduate at a time.

What makes LEAP special is its focus on the emotional and social development of young people and their communities, as well as academic achievement particularly in maths, science and English.

The LEAP model works. LEAP schools take in young people facing the most serious academic and social challenges but have managed to achieve a 94% Grade 12 pass rate with 72% of graduates pursuing tertiary studies. It seems that the combination of personal empowerment and academic success is the key that unlocks real change.

These are impressive statistics for any school but when you compare the achievements of LEAP graduates to national education averages and the averages of the communities LEAP serves, they are outstanding.

Please read more about LEAP at


The Wildlands Conservation Trust has a simple philosophy – to build a sustainable future for all. The Trust has a number of Wilandandssustainability-focused initiatives.

Lee is an ambassador for the Trust’s Rhino Conservation Project. The Rhino Parade is an innovative Rhino conservation fundraising campaign based on the internationally renowned Cow Parade concept. It is aimed at profiling the plight of South Africa’s rhino and creating public awareness around the crisis that we as a nation are facing, whilst raising funding to support the rhino conservation efforts. We work closely with Celebrity Rhino ambassadors who are tasked with decorating a ¾ life size rhino sculpture to represent their personal message around rhino poaching. Wildlands is working closely with like-minded organisations to find a long term solution to curb the rhino poaching crisis:

  • Supporting the establishment of a network of NGO’s working together to stop the poaching (Project Rhino KZN
  • Project Rhino Tracker – Piloting innovative GSM based tracking technology.
  • Project Rhino Aerial Support – Complimentary helicopter surveillance.
  • Project Rhino Investigations & Prosecutions Support

Please read more about the Wildlands Conservation Trust at